Casserole Atomic Vogue

After Thanksgiving it’s the time you look back at your menu choices and reflect on whether you made the right call to have less sides, more gravy and even question the traditional Roasted Turkey on your wonderful table. Could a casserole be your solution for the meal? What did theRead More →

National Thrift Store Day in August 17

As we celebrate National Thrift Shop Day 2021, I’m thinking about some of the cool finds I discovered in thrift stores and in most cases it was a casual let’s-go-in-here-to-see-their-stuff expedition with friends that resulted in many great finds. A Victorian pickle tong was an epic discovery because not onlyRead More →

Cleaning your House Don't Tell Me

I don’t know what the big deal is about cleaning your house. I have friends that seem to tell me when they clean their homes (a specific day of the week) and how exhausted they are after doing this and how lovely their home looks. Why is this such aRead More →

Welcome Instagrammers

I recently changed over an Instagram page from “Woolly Mammoth and Kitty” Cat Caves to “Atomic Vogue.” My time as an Amazon Seller has come full stop. I sent a few nail buffers out late – well, 16 of them to be exact. And Amazon did not like that. IRead More →

the futer as predicted in 1950

If you find yourself wondering what is going on locally and in the world you are most definitely not alone. With the pandemic playing out all over the world we’ve got a chance to catch a moment of rest and solitude that hopefully will influence us to emerge stronger. IRead More →